Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Professor Layton and the Curious Village

This game I actually thought was a joke when I first saw it. I instantly dismissed it as a child's game that I need not waste my time looking into. Or at least that's what I thought until my friend told me it actually was a pretty good game. I laughed because I thought it was a joke, but he was serious. So I have decided to look into this game to see if he was right or just thinking of the wrong game.

The first thing that I found out was that this is actually a japanese series and the curious village is actually the fifth one. That kind of surprised me because this game didn't strike me as a japanese game, much less the fifth one in a series of them. The next thing I saw was that the game has 120 puzzles, and you can download new ones if you wanted. That is rather impressive to me. Also there's a reward system for puzzles, which I think I would like. I'm not sure what it is about reward systems, but I just like to get stuff when doing tasks.

Most game sites gave this game a fantastic rating and after looking at a few the only thing I saw that they said was bad about the game was annoying music. So with that many puzzles and the only thing seeming to be bad about this game is the music (which I can turn down my volume no problem), I don't really see a reason not to get this game and I suppose I should stop judging games by their covers.

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