Wednesday, December 16, 2009

de Blob

De Blob looks like an interesting game just from the cover. It's colorful, has a funny name, and has a crazy blob. What more could you want to draw you in? I saw this in a game case once and just kinda read the name out loud. Some guy looked at me funny I'm guessing because when you say "de Blob" for no apparent reason, you're wierd.

Anyway, it appears this game is based in the fictional place called Chroma City. This city was invaded by the evil INKT Corporation which has a war on color. Your job as a blob of water is to bring back color for the citizens by getting paint from paintbots and hitting anything (buildings, lampposts, billboard, etc.) to change it's color to the color that the blob currently is. This game brings in something that seems interesting by making the music play faster or slower depending on how fast you are painting things.

I kind of want to get this game just to see how the music would sound, because I think I would like the music speed changing based on how fast I was moving. Seeing as how this game got a lot of good reviews as well, I think I would also like many other things about it.

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