Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attourney

This was another game that I never thought I would buy and put it out of my mind until one of my friend's said it wasn't that bad of a game. I decided I might as well look into it just in case it ends up like Professor Layton and the Curious Village where it looks like something I wouldn't want on the outside, but actually looks like a good game.

The gameplay is split into two separate parts which are trial and investigation. In the investigation part, you try to gather as much evidence as possible. While investigating you can do things such as look for blood, dust for fingerprints, or ask people for information or evidence. In the trial part, you try to defend your client with the evidence you gathered. Whether you actually have to know the proper law terms and laws is unclear, but when you make a big enough mistake the judge punishes you and you can only be punished five times before you lose.

This game got overall good ratings. It is criticized for being to linear, although everything else was pulled off well. While this game doesn't seem horrible, I would want to play it before actually commiting to buying it.

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