Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Xbox Live Arcade

The Xbox live arcade is an online place where you can download smaller games for about $10-$20. It used to be when I think Xbox Live Arcade, I thought about a waste of people's time and money since they're wasting small amounts of cash of many games, which adds up. I also thought that this would probably make bigger game companies stop making good games and start making tons of little games with half the effort. After looking into some of the games I found that many of them are made by just little companies or single people that are just looking for a way to make money doing what they like. Also since I actually got live at college, I've seen some of the games and have become interested in some of them myself. Now I've only bought one, but I wouldn't be ashamed of buying more because they actually can make fun games in the arcade. Now I actually think the Xbox Live Arcade is a great idea because it provides little time waster games for when you only have 10 or 20 minutes to play, which isn't enough time for a fully immersive game on a disk, so you can just play a little arcade game to take up some time. Along with being easy to pick up and put down, it's also providing business for the little people out there.

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