Monday, November 23, 2009

Sinks with handles

This is any old bathroom sink. You turn the handle, water comes out for you to wash your hands, then you turn it back, dirtying your hands right after washing them. They've made motion-sensor sinks to combat the dirty handles, but usually those are really annoying to get working and then when you finally get water out of them, they shut off right away. After talking with my friend about this, we wondered why they don't just make foot pedal sinks to replace the handles. After looking around, I found that there are actually quite a few sinks that have foot pedals instead, although they appear to be a bit more expensive. The lowest priced handled sink I found was priced at $80, and the cheapest foot pedal one came in at $410. This is a matter of are these sinks so expensive because they cost that much to make? Or is it simply because they have no real competition in the foot pedaled market? I think that if a few public places start to use foot-powered sinks, they could start a new trend that will give people less annoying and cleaner sinks.

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