Monday, November 23, 2009


The Charr are an enemy race in Guild Wars that invades Ascalon at the beginning of the first game. I find them to be an interesting enemy because their design is unique (even though based on cats) and they're ways are savage, but as you go through the games you start to understand them better and some people even start to like them (like me). I never knew much about the history of the Charr, but I found out in older times they had a somewhat hierarchical way of living. After a period of them fighting anything that threatened them (sometimes even each other) all the warbands united for the good of the race under a single leader called the Khan-Ur. Sometime after that the human race were made by gods that the Charr didn't recognize, and the humans started to threaten the Charr's dominance over the land. After the Charr got pushed back, the Khan-Ur was assassinated, separating the Charr and giving time for the human to build defenses around their newly seized lands. For over a thousand years no Khan-Ur was made, and what finally made the Charr unite was new "gods" that were the titans. With the power of the titans, the Charr attacked the humans in what is known as the Searing, and that is where the first game starts off. With this newfound history, I like the charr even more because technically, they're just taking back the land the gods took away from them via human force.

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