Scribblenauts is yet another game I've heard about from a friend that has said nothing but good things about it. He got me interested in it with two sentences which was "I summoned Cthulhu and God and they fought. Cthulhu won." Now I'm not saying God losing is good or bad, but just the fact that you can make those two things in the game is impressive. I looked it up and saw that the game is pretty much just a sandbox game to screw around in, but the point of the game is to collect "Starites". You get these starites by bringing up a text entry table, writing what you want to appear, then using it in some way to get the starite. There's one level where a starite is up in a tree and I've seen three solutions. One is making a ladder, another is making a beaver gnaw down the tree, and the last one was making a lumberjack and an axe and watching him chop down the tree. I'm sure there's tons of ways to do just that simple action of getting something out of a tree. I want to get this game not to play for a story, but just to see what kind of wacky things I can do with a Cthulhu and God and say....a skateboard and a shotgun! Oh wait...it has been done...
Skateboarding God vs Cthulhu in Scribblenauts
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