Brutal Legend is a action/adventure game AKA hack and slash. I played the demo and got a good feeling about the game, but other than the demo I've seen nothing for it. The only reason I really knew about it in the first place was because I heard Jack Black was in it. Technically it's a character voiced by and modeled after Jack Black named Eddie Riggs, but since Jack Black has something to do with it will probably be funny nonetheless. The story is Eddie Riggs is a roadie who is transported to a fantasy world after an accident where he gets killed that is inspired by the music genre of metal. In this world the human race is enslaved by a demon, and Eddie is trying to save them. Being a fan of Jack Black and metal, this game looks pretty good to me. I also found that the game incorporates real-time strategy which is pretty much the last thing you would expect in a hack and slash game, so I'm interested to see what that turns out to be like. Also, the game features 107 heavy metal tracks from 75 different bands which means the chances of me liking the soundtrack are pretty high. This is yet another game I hope to get and play through soon.
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