I was told about this game about 5 years ago by my friend who had played it on an emulator and said it was a good game. I thought nothing of it at the time since I didn't have a way to play it (back then I didn't even know what an emulator was...dial up will do that to you). Although now they have re-released it for the DS and my friend here at college got it and has been playing it non-stop. It is also my other friend's favorite game, and both of these friend's love RPG's so I knew it couldn't be bad. I decided to look into it's story, since I already know it has a turn-based RPG battle system. The gist of it is a group of adventurers travel through time to stop a global catastrophe. This seems to be a concept that isn't used very much, and since the fabric of time interests me, it seems like it would be an intriguing story. The DS version also included a New Game+ concept where you start a new game after beating it with the same stats you ended the game with. This seems pretty useful since the game has multiple endings and it makes it easier to see them when you start out really powerful and can speed through the game instead of going back to the beginning when you were inexperienced. I'm guessing I'll either try to borrow this game when I get the time, or just purchase it myself sooner or later.
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