The Large Hadron Collider is a particle accelerator in France. I've heard somewhere that it could create a black hole (or at least the media claims it can). I found out that it was made to discover the higgs boson which is the only standard model missing in particle physics. Basically, if we find the higgs boson, it would help explain the origin of mass in the universe. What the Large Hadron Collider does is sends protons at each other near the speed of light, and when they hit they are supposed to recreate the big bang and let us observe particle that were in the big bang that we've never seen before. Along with that came the theory that it has a slight chance to create a black hole. Even if this smallest of chances comes true and a black hole is created, it would be so tiny that it would evaporate because it's not close enough to anything to suck it in so there's no way for it to grow.
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