The game starts out with all the players (2-6 people can play) on the town square with three cards in their hand, three hearts as health, and three bullets. The cards can be used for many things such as summoning more zombies or equipping items to make you move faster. The bullets are something you can use against zombies when fighting them to help kill them. The way the combat works is when you are attacking a zombie, you roll a die. If that die is a 4, 5, or 6, you kill it. If it's a 1, 2, or 3, you lose one heart or use the amount of bullets to bring it up to a kill (one bullet equals one digit on the die). Then people start going and as they start their turn, they have to take a tile and put it down. This starts to make the city that you are playing in and also starts putting zombies on the map. You can draw both roads and buildings, but the buildings are the ones that usually have more zombies and also let people use certain items. You move by rolling a die, and the object of the game is to either kill 25 zombies, or get to the heli pad tile when it gets flipped up.
This game does actually sound really fun, and doesn't seem like it would take that long to learn. It also has eight expansions, so if you ever get bored of the same old buildings, there's always more. So every once in awhile when you get that sudden urge to start killing zombies, this game fits perfectly!
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