Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Target Audience






Cody Hansell

N190 Spring 2010


Target Audience and Attitudes










Target Audience Analysis

Gender: Male


Age: 15-25


Interests: Gaming, Internet, Movies, History


Habits: Eating junk food


Other things they like to watch or read: Documentaries, War movies, Fast-paced movies, Gun                                                            magazines


What they do in their spare time: Play video games, Hang out with friends


Things they buy: Fast food, Video Games, Music, Movies


Where they live: With their parents, College dorms, Apartments


Income level: 0 - $60,000


Maximum education level: Bachelor degree


Anything else that is relevant: May like random comedy such as Family Guy









A Battle in the War of the Squirrels

            It was early in the morning in the middle of the forest. A young squirrel in the good squirrel army named Rakou was waking up to start his day at his outpost up high in an oak tree. As he was cleaning the scope on his sniper rifle, he heard the sound of a tank not far off in the distance. He looked through his scope in that direction to see one of the evil squirrels’ tanks along with twenty other troops on foot. They were still about eighty yards off and hadn’t spotted him yet, so he SPRUNG into action. He LEAPT a couple of trees over and threw a satchel charge on the ground in a clearing where the tank would most likely be going over, then hopped down and quickly planted four mines.

            After climbing back up to his sniper’s nest, Rakou made sure his clip was full and his belt was PACKED with ammo. He waited until they marched into his trap, and watched as the mines exploded, killing seven evil squirrels. Luckily the tank stopped right on top of the satchel charge, so Rakou YANKED the pull igniter and it blew off the right track of the tank. Unfortunately, the tanks main gun still worked so it aimed up in the trees and fired, hitting the next tree over from the left of Rakou. Rakou knew that if he stayed in his stand he would be blown up within seconds, but he still had the advantage of them not knowing where he was.

            He QUICKLY shot three evil squirrels as fast as his bolt action rifle would let him, swung his rifle on his back, and jumped four trees to his right. As he landed on a branch of the tree he looked back and saw his nest VIOLENTLY explode as the shell from the tank hit it. By that time the evil foot squirrels realized that the threat was in the trees so they started SPRAYING machine gun fire HAPHAZARDLY upwards. Rakou knew he couldn’t expose himself to get a clear shot without getting killed, so he pulled the pin from one of his grenades and QUICKLY threw it over the edge of his branch. When he heard the explosion that killed another two evil soldiers, he jumped as fast as he could to circle around to the other side of the evil squad.

            They didn’t notice his flanking, and while they were still firing the other way, Rakou SLUNG another satchel charge covered in sap as hard as he could at the tank. It hit the base of the barrel and stuck, so Rakou pulled the pull igniter and the DEAFENING explosion destroyed the main gun of the tank, leaving it inoperable. Rakou only managed to get off to get off two more shots, killing two more squirrels, before he THREW out the EMPTY clip of the rifle and reloaded. Then the evil squirrels found out where he was so he LOBBED a flash bang and then while all the evil squirrels were stunned, he jumped to the trees on the left side of them.

            He realized that with eight of the squirrels still out there looking up in the trees, he would have to change his strategy. He quickly descended the tree to attack from the ground, hoping that the soldiers would keep their eyes upwards. When he landed, he pulled out another grenade and COOKED it before CHUCKING it at the four soldiers that were standing next to each other trying to see in all directions. It landed in the middle of them and exploded before they had a chance to realize their mistake. Rakou noticed that the evil squirrel nearest him saw where the grenade came from and was about to YELL a warning to his allies, so he pulled out his pistol and shot, killing the squirrel before he uttered a word.

            Realizing his pistol didn’t have a long enough range and his sniper rifle wouldn’t be fast enough for the squirrels on the other side of the clearing, he RUSHED out to shoot them hoping they wouldn’t notice him until it was to late. He managed to shoot the first squirrel, but as that squirrel fell his finger stayed on the trigger, shooting the pistol out of Rakou’s hand. Rakou knew now he had to act fast or die. He pulled out his knife and jumped on the nearest squirrel and stabbed him. As the other squirrel was pulling up his gun to shoot, Rakou pulled the knife out of the corpse and HURLED it as hard as he could at the enemy, and the last evil squirrel had a knife sticking out of his neck before he could manage to pull the trigger. Rakou stood up in the middle of the clearing that now had a DESTROYED tank and twenty evil squirrel bodies and sighed, ready to fight another day.

Lab 4 - Attitudes

Monday, February 8, 2010

Character Obituary

Rakou Novara

Rakou Novara was KIA in a forest in Oktyabrsky, Russia on May 18, 2021 by several severe bullet and shrapnel wounds. He was part of a small invasion force that was organized to take out one of the main evil squirrel leaders based in Russia. Out of the ten soldiers in the squad, only two survived. They were severely wounded and explained that one of the squad members was an evil squirrel spy that had given them away to the enemy. After killing the spy, Rakou started to hold back the enemy so the rest of the squad could escape. Unfortunately, the evil squirrels were prepared and cut off their escape and the two survivors only barely managed to get through a gap in their assault.


Rakou was born on March 17, 2019 in a small village near the Buffalo National River in Arkansas named Ashford. His mother, Rizdra Novara, was killed in an evil squirrel raid on their home when Rakou was the equivalent of 7 in squirrel years. His father, Vesenth, hid Rakou in a small hollow tree trunk when the evil squirrels came back a month later and spotted him. Vesenth knew they were going to take him prisoner and decided to take his own life instead of going through the torture the evil army would put him through. 5 squirrel years later, Rakou was tired of just surviving and decided to take his father’s sniper rifle and fight back. After fighting for around 3 squirrel years, the good squirrel army heard about his success against the evil squirrels and found him to recruit him to make a major difference. So at 15 he became a good squirrel army sniper and started taking out important targets to the evil squirrels. Rakou usually worked alone because whenever he was put in a squad for an attack, he got annoyed at others getting in his way. Even with his lack of co-operation with others, Rakou rose through the ranks and became a renowned sniper.


There will be a memorial service with a 21 gun salute at Rakou’s hometown of Ashford next Thursday at noon. There will be no formal funeral because the body could not be recovered, but there will be a gravestone put up in the graveyard in memory of Rakou immediately following the memorial service.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Short Story - A Battle in the War of the Squirrels

It was early in the morning in the middle of the forest. A young squirrel in the good squirrel army named Rakou was waking up to start his day at his outpost up high in an oak tree. As he was cleaning the scope on his sniper rifle, he heard the sound of a tank not far off in the distance. He looked through his scope in that direction to see one of the evil squirrels’ tanks along with twenty other troops on foot. They were still about eighty yards off and hadn’t spotted him yet, so he sprung into action. He leapt a couple of trees over and threw a satchel charge on the ground in a clearing where the tank would most likely be going over, then hopped down and quickly planted four mines. After climbing back up to his sniper’s nest, Rakou made sure his clip was full and his belt was packed with ammo. He waited until they marched into his trap, and watched as the mines exploded, killing seven evil squirrels. Luckily the tank stopped right on top of the satchel charge, so Rakou yanked the pull igniter and it blew off the right track of the tank. Unfortunately, the tanks main gun still worked so it aimed up in the trees and fired, hitting the next tree over from the left of Rakou. Rakou knew that if he stayed in his stand he would be blown up within seconds, but he still had the advantage of them not knowing where he was. He quickly shot three evil squirrels as fast as his bolt action rifle would let him, swung his rifle on his back, and jumped four trees to his right. Right as he landed on a branch of the tree he looked back and saw his nest explode as the shell from the tank hit it. By that time the evil foot squirrels realized that the threat was in the trees so they started spraying machine gun fire haphazardly upwards. Rakou knew he couldn’t expose himself to get a clear shot without getting killed, so he pulled the pin from one of his grenades and threw it over the edge of his branch. When he heard the explosion that killed another two evil soldiers, he jumped as fast as he could to circle around to the other side of the evil squad. They didn’t notice, and while they were still firing the other way, Rakou slung another satchel charge covered in sap as hard as he could at the tank. It hit the base of the barrel and stuck, so Rakou pulled the pull igniter and it exploded the main gun of the tank, leaving it inoperable. Rakou only managed to get off to get off two more shots, killing two more squirrels, before he had to reload and the evil squirrels found out where he was. So he threw a flash bang and while all the evil squirrels were stunned, he jumped to the trees on the left side of them and reloaded his rifle. He realized that with eight of the squirrels still out there looking up in the trees, he would have to change his strategy. He quickly descended the tree to attack from the ground, hoping that the soldiers would keep their eyes upwards. When he landed, he pulled out another grenade and cooked it before chucking it at the four soldiers that were standing next to each other trying to see in all directions. It landed in the middle of them and exploded before they had a chance to realize their mistake. Rakou noticed that the evil squirrel nearest him saw where the grenade came from and was about to yell a warning to his allies, so he pulled out his pistol and shot, killing the squirrel before he uttered a word. Realizing his pistol didn’t have a long enough range and his sniper rifle wouldn’t be fast enough for the squirrels on the other side of the clearing, he ran out to shoot them hoping they wouldn’t notice him until it was to late. He managed to shoot the first squirrel, but as that squirrel fell his finger stayed on the trigger, shooting the pistol out of Rakou’s hand. Rakou knew now he had to act fast or die. He pulled out his knife and jumped on the nearest squirrel and stabbed him. As the other squirrel was pulling up his gun to shoot, Rakou pulled the knife out of the corpse and threw it as hard as he could at the enemy, and the last evil squirrel had a knife sticking out of his neck before he could manage to pull the trigger. Rakou stood up in the middle of the clearing that now had a destroyed tank and twenty evil squirrel corpses and sighed, ready to fight another day.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros. is a show on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. It mixes action and comedy together as it chronicles the adventures of two teenage boys named Hank and Dean Venture. They also have an emotionally insecure, ethically challenged super-scientist father named Dr. Thaddeus "Rusty" Venture. There is also the family's bodyguard, named Brock Samson and a former supervillain named Sergeant Hatred. The show is said to have the primary theme of "beautiful, sublime failure" and be about the failure that happens to all of us. The show is also largely based off of an older show called Jonny Quest, which is a really old show that aired back in the 1960s.

From what I have heard, this show is extremely funny, but I have also heard it is extremely stupid. Of course, stupid isn't always bad. I love Robot Chicken and that is probably one of the most stupid things on television. I hope that I can see this show one day and decide for myself whether it is stupid funny or just plain stupid.

Code Geass

Code Geass is yet another anime put on me from my guild leader in Guild Wars to watch (she really likes anime). Although this one was also watched by a few other people in the guild, and they all said it was good so I have more than just her opinion to go off of.

Code Geass is set after Japan's conquest by the Holy Britannian Empire with their powerful new robot weapons, the Knightmare Frames. After taking over, the Britannian Empire stripped all rights and freedoms from the people and renamed the country Area 11. Lelouch is a Britannian prince that is the main character and was disowned by his father after his mother was murdered. Since his father disowned him, Lelouch has vowed to destroy him, the Emperor, and Britiannia. Lelouch gains an ability through a mysterious thing called the Geass. With this power, he became the leader of the resistance movement so he could fulfill his two wishes: get revenge for his mother and construct a world where his sister Nunnally can live happily.

This anime seems like it would be nice after I got into it. At first, it seems like I might be to confused with all the different names and terms, but after watching it a bit more I think I could get it all down and start to really enjoy it. Although it is a mech anime, and for some reason I am not a huge fan of mechs. Not to say I can't enjoy an anime with mechs, but I would find it easier to enjoy one without them and with something else cool involved such as a medieval setting or steampunk setting.


I discovered this anime once while I was looking around for new video games and found a .hack game. Someone then told me it was also an anime, and I have wanted to, but never have gotten around to, watch it since.
The story is about a guy named Tsukasa who wakes up in a dungeon in an online game known as The World. He has no recollection of where he is or how he got there. He also can't log out, so he is trapped in the game. He then goes on a quest to figure out why he is there and also why he can't log out and meets other people that play the game along the way. There's also an item called the Key of the Twilight, which is a legendary item rumored to have the ability to bypass the system in The World. While some want it just for the powers it could give them, others believe it would provide Tsukasa with a way to log out. Even if they don't want to help Tsukasa, everyone believes that the item is related to him in some way.
It is said that this anime relies more on character development and does not really have any action scenes. I don't necessarily have a problem with that, but I would probably have to be in a certain mood to watch it. I like action a lot, but every once in awhile I don't mind if things slow down and there's a talking scene. Now could I handle a whole series of just the talking without the action? I guess I will find out when i watch this anime.